Wednesday 18 July 2012

The date has finally come.I am starting my graduation from 23rd july,monday.3 years,6 semesters of the hardest works I've known and the final nail in the coffin-An all girls college!
Nonetheless I made it to DELHI UNIVERSITY.Yes,It is a BIG deal.My fellow mates could make it into Cornell but not DU.I could dedicate the whole post to the above problem which is a social demon here but then I got more things to worry about,since I am through with my admission!

From the past 3 months I've had enough time to worry about me,pampering myself..No I have to take extra care but I wouldn't get to spend quality time with myself. 

My mum has kind of been satisfied with me since the past 6 months as my senior school results were respectable though weren't enough to land me in the college of my choice.So apart from the little (sometimes BIG) mum-daughter arguments that we have,those family tiffs (which stress me my ass off) and financial crisis,there's nothing much I got to worry about.So,these holidays apart from the above written I had to bear shit loads of problems with Karthik.

I was in a girls school from Grade I to X and then I shifted to this co-ed school where I met him.He was a new admission as well in Grade XI,was from and elite school of our area,so was I.Since then it has been as if "The Universe" wanted us to get together.I was a medical student while he had non-medical.Different stream students are arranged in different sections.So we had NO SCOPE of being in the same class.But,IT DID HAPPEN.For the first time,Medical and about 20 Non medical students were merged together in the same class.At that time,it wasn't a bf-gf thing.We din't even talk in the first place.It took us 5-6 months along with some efforts of "The Universe" that we conversed,finally!
I did have a crush on him from the VERY BEGINNING.But our first semesters took the best of us,hence we were restrained.He claims to have had a crush on me since the beginning.As it was,he wasn't ever going to initiate talking.He did manage tits-bits of convo.I remember this one time when we had our chemistry practical exam for the first semester and I din't know ho to do the salt analysis.Those days he had met some accident and was excused from performing the practicals and so he began looking through other people's tables.As it is,I was struggling.He came to me and offered help.That as well might be the first time we talked for like 10 minutes.He helped me without me asking for it.I was happy,not because I wouldn't have to lose my 10 marks but my crush came up and talked to me,for the first time!!Though the answer he told me might have been wrong but that did not matter.I found it cute.I was elated.

But now,I had to take the oar in my hands else,our boat would have sank before the journey began!

It was the time of our vacations,Winter vacations.The final semester was in 2 months after the school had to reopen.So it was a time to relax.FACEBOOK!!
It was our only solace amidst the chilly weather outside.And then came the day when finally I got a friend request from him.It was a "YAYYYY" moment.2 days but he just wouldn't have it in him to open the chat box.I could see the green icon flash by his name but he just wouldn't talk.My patience reached the fever's pitch.I decided to talk.Now,whenever I saw him online I would forget about every other "shy" emotion at the back of my mind and just talk trying to find what did we share in common.And within a few days,it would be a routine to chat.
Vacations passed by.After the chats I thought now things would be better when school reopen.You know what are the odds of falling for a geek,You hardly get to talk in school when exams are approaching.So it din't change things.we'd exchange smiles now and then,that was it.But we did talk via mobile texting.Then came our second and final semester for Grade XI.

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